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4 Ways Labeling Of Sleeve Labeling Machine

May. 06, 2022

        The sleeve labeling machine shrinks the sleeve label. At present, there are four main ways for the sleeve label position: the head sleeve label, such as the bottle cap sleeve label; the middle sleeve label, such as mineral water; the whole surface sleeve label, such as coconut milk beverage; the upper and Bottom sleeve label, such as tea cans, batteries. Among them, the head sleeve labeling, the middle sleeve labeling and the whole surface sleeve labeling are relatively common sleeve labeling methods, and they are very simple to implement. The sleeve labeling work can be completed with a standard sleeve labeling machine and a guard jig. The upper and lower  bottom sleeve label requires certain technical requirements.


        The upper and lower wraps the bottom of the label, and the labeling film is much higher than the product self-height. Using the traditional film technology, the shrink film cannot cover the bottom of the product. The use of jigs and entrainment methods may cause uneven shrinkage of the shrink film, especially is the entrainment part. According to the actual situation, the LANDPACK sleeve labeling machine has designed a set of unique sleeve labeling technology, which can realize upper and lowerand bottom sleeve labeling without product support fixtures.

4 Ways Labeling Of Sleeve Labeling Machine

        The automatic sleeve labeling machine is a film heat shrinkable packaging equipment with high technical content and high price. Among the products we come into contact with on a daily basis, beverages and mineral water are among the most sleeve-packaged products. Most of the sleeve labels of beverages and mineral water are placed on a certain position of the bottle body, which can be easily realized by using a limit mechanism. There are also some foods, such as chili sauce, calcium tablets for health care products, etc. The position of their sleeve label is at the mouth of the bottle cap, and the sleeve label at this position is simpler.

        At present, the difficulty of the position of the sleeve label is that it is necessary to wrap a part of the bottom of the product. This requires the sleeve label shrink film to be placed at a lower position than the bottom of the product, which seems very simple. However, since the bottom of the product is in contact with the conveying line during the conveying process, the sleeve labeling film cannot be lower than the product itself. At this time, it is necessary to use a jig to hold the product, so that the bottom of the product is higher than the conveying base surface, so that the shrink film can exceed the bottom. For larger size and heavier products, a simple high platform structure is enough, and the product can run completely smoothly, while for lighter and smaller products, another mechanism is needed to assist in the completion.

        At present, we have successfully applied this set of bottom and sleeve labeling mechanism in cotton swab sleeve labeling packaging. The PET tank of cotton swab products has a small diameter and light weight, and the traditional boss mechanism cannot run smoothly. Fully automated, so the auxiliary mechanism of FOSHAN LANDPACK Machinery is useful. With this mechanism, the sleeve labeling machine can be directly connected to the production line without other auxiliary wiring structures. Friends who need a bottom cover.

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